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The African American Men Project creates a community of healthy, strong, and self-sufficient black men supported by and connected to effective networks and innovative strategies. They offer support in case management, individual development plan, empowerment curriculum, educational readiness, employment readiness and medical behavior health access. 

The Mad Dads Fathering and Men’s Empowerment Program works with incarcerated men of all ages, those leaving prison, their families and others in the community to help young men and fathers develop life skills, pursue their education, maintain sobriety from drugs and alcohol, obtain jobs, be positively involved in their children’s lives, and not re-offend. They offer individual support and conduct group sessions with incarcerated men at Hennepin County Jail. They provide re-entry services and encourage men to come to the support groups at Urban Ventures when they leave prison. 

Women Planting Seeds works with women who have experienced verbal and physical violence. The program serves women who are below the poverty line, formerly incarcerated and those involved in treatment programs. They are the only program in the Twin Cities that offers resources to women who are releasing from prison. They work with providers, case managers, correctional institutions, and mental health and chemical dependency professionals.

Central Minnesota Re-entry Project (CMNRP) is a non-profit organization that provides support to previously incarcerated men and women by connecting them with transitional housing opportunities, employment referrals, social service agencies, pro-social support, resources to financial assistance and legal support.

Accessibility  provides placement staff who assist individuals in case management, job training and placement services, paid work opportunities, transitional skill enhancements, and individualized vocational training plans. They also create employment opportunities are provided through supervised work teams in a variety of employment settings throughout the Twin Cities area. 

CLUES is a nonprofit organization for Latinos for Latinos that provides programs and services to connect families to resources, skills, institutions, and systems. Employment services are designed to identify and address a variety of barriers that prevent the Latino job seeker from obtaining and retaining meaningful employment.

Goodwill Easter Seals  provides comprehensive and evidence-based practices to help individuals obtain and retain employment. Their Reentry Program helps previously incarcerated men and women overcome barriers to employment through outreach and preparation. Goodwill Easter Seals Minnesota operates through partnerships that offer cognitive-skills training, referrals for mental health and chemical dependency treatment centers, child support services, legal aid, rehabilitation for those with disabilities and access to housing assistance resources. Through case management, education, training, employment preparation, mentoring and other support services, this program is responsive to the particular needs and barriers of individuals who are apart of this population.

Soar Careers pairs men and women with a Career Specialist who provides career coaching, mock interviews, individual assessments and other job search related services. 

Soar Careers also offers two in-depth workshop that 1) helps to power map participant's  career goals and 2) use cognitive psychology and social learning theories to improve well being.

Harriet Tubman Center helps women, children and families struggling with relationship violence, substance abuse and mental health. They provide a safe shelter, legal services, counseling, elder care resources, youth programming and community education while guiding and sustaining individuals and families on the journey from chaos and fear to healing and restoration.

Workforce Development Inc. serves people through career planning and pre-vocational skill training. They assist populations dealing with multiple barriers to achieving meaningful employment gain access to job banks and listings.

Rural Enrichment and Counseling Headquarters (REACH). REACH provides career services, counseling, family support and gently used work attire for for men and women entering or reentering the workforce. The organization currently supports individuals in rural Clay, Becker and Norman counties in Minnesota.

Resource West provides information and referral services to help individuals navigate various resources offered throughout the state of Minnesota. They assist with connecting individuals to community partners who assist with housing, food, employment, health insurance, legal aid, immigration support and financial services​

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