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What is an Expungement


An expungement is an Order from a District Court Judge that prevents others from seeing if you have a criminal conviction or arrest. Expungement does not vacate or eliminate a conviction or arrest, but it seals the record from public view. Formerly incarcerated men and women may request that the record of their arrest and conviction be expunged. Victims may be informed of expungement proceedings, to provide input, and to be informed of the outcome. For a step by step outline follow this link

Do you qualify for an Expungement?

  • You were arrested but not charged, the charges against you were dismissed, you were found not guilty, or the case did not result in a conviction.

  • You successfully completed the terms of a diversion, stay of adjudication, or continuance for dismissal.

  • If you were convicted of an offense that qualifies for expungement under Minn. Stat. § 609A.02, subd. 3, and the required amount of time has passed, all petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor convictions are eligible for expungement. See list of qualifying felonies here

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